VSNW Consultancy

With a large and diverse network of contacts and expertise, VSNW can offer expert advice, bridging the gap between sectors, and conduct high quality research within the VCFSE sector.

Decades of experience working with both the public and voluntary sector in the North West means VSNW is able to offer expert support to organisations, whatever they do. Whether it is independent research, facilitating conversations, or impartial advice, we are well placed to help. Our network of associates, from the North West and wider, means we can bring in a range of expertise to suit the project.

What we do

  • Research and analysis

  • Evaluations and impact measures

  • Assess and develop charity strategies

  • Support the right conversations

  • Develop networks

For a chat, or if you’d like to know more about our consultancy work, please call 0161 276 9300, or email warren.escadale@vsnw.org.uk

Case studies