Greater Manchester Covid Insight Reports

Safely Managing Covid-19: Manchester Population Survey

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The impacts of coronavirus across the Greater Manchester population have not been evenly distributed. In order to address the lack of detail in national surveys the Greater Manchester Combined Authority are going to carry out regular research on behalf of their partners, exploring the issues and impacts of Covid-19 across Greater Manchester, including it’s 10 local authorities.  

BMG research are using a mixture of monthly online and telephone surveys to collect data from a minimum of 1000 residents in GM, with at least 100 residents in each local authority. Measures are being taken to ensure that respondents reflect the profile of the different areas

 Thus far, there have been two surveys: 

Survey 1: 

Aim: to provide an overview of key issues/barriers/motivations relating to how GM, individual localities and specific parts of the GM population are “living with Covid-19" 

Brief Summary of findings: 

These groups have been more negatively impacted than others: 

  • Young people, particularly those aged 16-24; 

  • Residents with young children, and particularly those aged 0-4yrs 

  • BME residents overall, but Asian residents in particular; 

  • Muslim residents and those for whom English is not their first language; 

  • Carers, and residents where someone in their household has been told they are at high risk from COVID; 

  • Those with a disability; 

  • Residents that have served in the armed forces; 

  • Those living in the ‘most deprived’ communities of Greater Manchester, among others. 

Examples of some of the feelings and concerns due to Covid-19 include:

  • High levels of worry about the virus, especially amongst those with a disability, children and those in the most deprived neighbourhoods 

  • Worries regarding the economy and future of young people, mental health, education 

  • Many have big concerns affording bills, food, rent, mortgages etc 

  • BAME residents regarded caring for family, those in needs etc a ‘big concern’.  

Selection of impacts Covid-19: 

  • Loss of jobs, redundancy (more frequent for 16-24 year olds, students, Asian residents etc), furlough 

  • Many self-employed have seen reduction in work  

  • 1 in 14 have used foodbanks (1 in 5 amongst those with children aged 0-4 and ex armed forces).

  • 1 in 10 have had to borrow money 

  • Reports of more support needed widely spread (finding employment, mental health, monetary, childcare) 

Survey 2: 

  • Some questions remained the same from survey 1, comparisons made 

  • Aims to understand concerns and impacts of the virus 

  • Also aims to understand residents feelings towards a second national lockdown and thoughts on vaccinations and mass testing 


  • 1 in 5 have had coronavirus (only 2/3 have had a positive test) 

  • 1 in 3 have had to self-isolate (only small number aware of financial suppot payment during this time) 

  • Levels of concern have increased 

  • Individual concerns increased such as mental health, finances, impacts on children  

  • 1 in 10 couldn’t name any of the key symptoms of coronavirus 

  • 9 in 10 follows key guidelines for stopping spread of virus 

  • 52% feel it is okay to leave house when self-isolating 

  • Faith in restrictions decreasing 

  • 68% would take part in community testing, those who wouldn’t not informed 

  • 75% likely to get vaccine 

  • Life satisfaction decreased 


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