Events, VSNW News, Publications info VSNW Events, VSNW News, Publications info VSNW

The Lancashire VCFSE Draft Manifesto

Over the last six months, VSNW has helped to facilitate a consultation across the VCFSE sector in Lancashire, with the aim of collectively creating a vision for the next three years. As a start, some priority headlines were suggested and used as starting points for discussions.

Organisations have had the opportunity to input via LOCAL’s website onto a comment forum or during events hosted my some sector Leaders across Lancashire. The information was then collated into a draft manifesto with the aim of streamlining the input into a set of ‘asks’.

On the 29th June, the manifesto was presented at the ‘Lancashire VCFSE Draft Manifesto Aseembly’; breakout rooms explored what was missing from the manifesto, what was good and anything that they disagreed with. We are now asking all those who attended the event and even those that did not, to further read the manifesto and give feedback via a short survey. The deadline for this feedback is the 13th July. The information gathered after this will be used to make a final edit of the manifesto, before distributing and asking groups for endorsement.

This is a really important opportunity for VCFSE groups across Lancashire and we encourage as much input as possible.

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Pulse Check Report May 2021


Pulse Check reports are carried out by the VCS Emergencies Partnership. They are used to gather information from VC organisations approximately every two weeks, so that the issues are understood and strategic responses can be developed.

The latest report focuses on how the new covid-19 strain, which has spread across a lot of the North West, Midlands and London has affected communities and the capacity of the sector to function.

A brief summary:

·         43% of respondents in London, 17% in the Midlands & East, 32% in the North, 6% in the South East and 10% in the South West reported significant or major concerns about unmet needs in their area in the 14 days prior to data collection

·         Mental health/isolation, hardship and volunteering were the most frequently mentioned unmet needs in the 14 days prior to data collection

·         22% of respondents reported significant or major concerns about the capacity of the voluntary sector to respond to local needs in the 14 days prior to data collection

·         Funding/sustainability, increased demand and volunteering were the most frequently mentioned issues affecting voluntary sector capacity in the 14 days prior to data collection

The Pulse Check May 2021 Report.

Past reports available here.

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The VCSE Sector Voice

One of the complaints that is increasingly being heard is that the VCSE is seemingly side lined. This is being said so frequently that it is more than just a perception. One of the ways of being heard is to use avenues that are open to us. One such avenue is here:

 Setting the agenda on infrastructure investment across the North |

 If as many of us as possible participated in this survey a voice may be heard. If we do not then the sector voice will not be heard. At the very least, participation puts down a marker to build on the relationship that VSNW is developing with The Business Desk. There are 24 questions, most of which are multiple choice and, at first glance, business orientated. However, there is an “other” box in most of them where comments can be made.

The VCFSE sector in the North West will surely have opinions on all of these. Please air your views as soon as possible.

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Sector News, Publications info VSNW Sector News, Publications info VSNW

#RespondRecoverReset Barometer survey is now open until 22nd March

Nottingham Trent University, together with the NCVO and Sheffield Hallam, are currently conducting the largest UK study exploring the impact of Covid-19 on the Voluntary, Community and Social Enterprise sector. The latest round to the survey is now open until 22nd March. The more organisations that take part in the study, the more impact this can have for the whole sector.

Click here to begin the survey

It is quick, easy and only takes a few minutes to complete. Each round the survey has a set of general questions, with some focussing on a theme (for example, this month we’ll be looking at the ways organisations may interact with local authorities). As a small thank you to everyone who takes part, each month there is the option to enter a draw to win £200, and a £2000 prize draw at the end of the project (see here for more info).

The research team at NTU, the NCVO and Sheffield Hallam are always looking at ways to make this project as valuable as possible. Their reports have been shared with decision makers, and the results of the study recently presented to an All-Party Parliamentary Group and DCMS’ Civil Society Stakeholder Group. Should you have more time to share, you can contact the NTU research team at or visit the project page to discuss the project and discover more.


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