The VCSE Sector Voice

One of the complaints that is increasingly being heard is that the VCSE is seemingly side lined. This is being said so frequently that it is more than just a perception. One of the ways of being heard is to use avenues that are open to us. One such avenue is here:

 Setting the agenda on infrastructure investment across the North |

 If as many of us as possible participated in this survey a voice may be heard. If we do not then the sector voice will not be heard. At the very least, participation puts down a marker to build on the relationship that VSNW is developing with The Business Desk. There are 24 questions, most of which are multiple choice and, at first glance, business orientated. However, there is an “other” box in most of them where comments can be made.

The VCFSE sector in the North West will surely have opinions on all of these. Please air your views as soon as possible.


People and Places- what are they worth?


Walking Away from Funding Agreements