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The Liverpool City Region VCFSE Sector Metro Mayor Hustings

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VS6 Partnerships are hosting the VCFSE Sector Metro Mayor Husting on the 20th April 2021.

The Hustings is a chance for VCFSE organisations across the Liverpool City Region to ask questions to the candidates, and discuss what is important, not only to your organisation, but also the sector as a whole. This election is of particular importance as the need for a strong leader is of paramount importance as we face a difficult and uncertain future following the pandemic. The sector has shown great strength and resilience throughout the last year. However, going forward we need political support if we are to continue to protect the vulnerable and help our communities.

The Hustings will follow a question-and-answer style structure, with candidates also given the chance to address the sector during their opening statement. In order to organise a broad spectrum of question topics, we ask attendees to please submit potential questions and whether they would be happy to ask them during the event when registering. A selection of questions on the most common question themes will be selected and put to the candidates. We will contact you directly pre-event if your question has been chosen. 

Sally Yeoman, Chief Executive of Halton and St Helens VCA, Vice-Chair of VS6 (and also a NAVCA award-winning Chief Exec of the year 2020) will be chairing the event.

Joined by the following party candidates: 

  • Steve Rotheram (Labour) 

  • David Newman (Liberal Democrat) 

  • Gary Cargill (Green) 

  • Jade Marsden (Conservative) - TBC 

Sign up here

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Greater Manchester Mayor VCSE Sector Hustings

GMCVO are hosting the VCSE sector Mayoral Hustings event on April 14th 12-1.30pm, ahead of the 6th May election. The successful elected Mayor’s power will significantly affect VCSE organisations across Greater Manchester, and therefore, it is vital that we find a leader who is willing to put our sector at the centre of their build, back, better plan.

The Hustings will be a chance for organistions across the sub-region to scrutinise candidates ahead of the election. The VCSE manifesto will be sent to the three main party candidates ahead of the event.

The candidates attending are:

  • Andy Burnham (Labour & current Mayor)

  • Laura Evans (Conservative) &

  • Simon Lepori (Liberal Democrat)

GMCVO are asking attentees to think about and answer the following questions:

1. What is your own biggest issue at the moment? 

2. What do you think is Greater Manchester’s biggest issue? (not counting Covid-19)

3. What comment or question would you like to put to the candidates?

Register for your space now.

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Attracting & Retaining a Talented & Diverse Workforce Event

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Covid-19 has highlighted the crucial role of the local public sector in keeping society going. Despite this, renewed talk about public sector pay freezes, and the perception of some that local public sector work is stuffy and inefficient, poses a real challenge to the effective recruitment of the next generation of skilled and motivated workers. This, combined with the phenomenon of demographic ageing across the economy, risks a potential skills shortage in some of our most socially valuable jobs.

In this webinar, colleagues are invited to learn about some of the innovative strategies and techniques being deployed across the sector to deliver effective apprenticeship schemes. This event is an opportunity to hear best practice examples of apprenticeship schemes that work to effectively attract, retain, and develop a talented workforce. We will also consider how you can make your organisation more attractive to prospective apprentices and some of the key benefits and support available when choosing to recruit via an apprenticeship route.

You will have the chance to ask questions to peers and leading practitioners on these topics.

Apply to attend here.

25th March 11.30-13.30 CET.

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VS6 VCFSE Manifesto & Consultation

VS6 Partnerships are pleased to announce that the draft manifesto for the VCFSE sector in Liverpool City Region is now available to read ahead of the Consultation events taking place on Monday 8th March and Monday 22ndMarch.

This draft manifesto has been developed following VS6’s sector engagement over the past few years, drawing on key areas and recommendations for action from publications developed following various VS6 events held with the sector. 

There are 12 manifesto asks in total which are split into the following main headings:

  1. A Healthy VCFSE Ecosystem

  2. Driving an Inclusive Economy

  3. Championing our Communities

At the VCFSE Manifesto Assembly events, attendees will be asked for their input to further develop the manifesto to ensure that it reflects the kind of city region they want to see for the VCFSE organisations, beneficiaries, and communities. The first of the two events will cover the first two areas of the manifesto, and the second event will cover the final area with attendees split into breakout rooms to discuss and provide feedback in order to strengthen the manifesto. 

Following these events, VS6 will formulate a final draft of the manifesto with a further chance to endorse and sign up to the final version before asking the LCR Metro Mayor candidates to commit to its implementation at a Mayoral Hustings event later in April.

Sign up here to attend the manifesto consultations.

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North West DWP Update

Below is an update from the Department of Work and Pensions regarding important information, toolkits and links:

·         Personal Independence Payment Toolkit has been updated to reflect changes following the UK leaving the EU. This toolkit provides a guide for organisations and people in support roles to help explain PIP and changes to Disability Living Allowance to claimants.

·         Guidance has been updated from the 1 January on GOV.UK explaining the rights of benefits and pensions for UK nationals in the EEA or Switzerland and benefits and pensions for EEA and Swiss citizens in the UK

·         £7.5 million pound funding to Tackle Loneliness

·         Mayday for Men – employer advice on male victims of domestic abuse

·         Application for a State Pension Forecast  has been updated

·         Funding for Community Champions to give COVID 19 vaccine advice

·         Changes to Kickstart programme

·         New legislation to ensure fair treatment for armed forces

·         Face coverings exemptions

·         Support for offenders - DWP working in partnership with HMPPSSteering Women Away from CrimePreventing Prison Leaver Homelessness

·         Funding boost to get more Young People into Work

·         Support for the Aviation Sector

·         Carers Allowance Form has been updated 

·         Children in Poverty Enquiry  - evidence for the enquiry to be submitted by 25thFebruary

·         A consultation  has been launched, aimed at extending debt solutions and helping vulnerable people in financial distress get a fresh start. The consultation closes on the 25 February 2021.

·         This report sets out the key findings from the review by BEIS into how victims of domestic abuse can be supported in the workplace and the actions which government will take as a result

·         From 14 January, victims of domestic abuse will be able to access much needed support from thousands of pharmacies across the UK. The government has teamed up with independent pharmacies and Boots to launch a domestic abuse Ask for ANI  codeword scheme. 

·         The Disability Unit in the Cabinet Office has launched a survey to gather views and experiences for the National Strategy of Disabled People. If views are shared by 13 February, they will inform the development of the strategy. The Survey will remain open until 23 April, and views will be used to inform the delivery of the plans.

Job Centre Updates:

To help keep customers and colleagues as safe as possible in the latest phase of the pandemic Jobcentre opening hours will be 10am to 2pm beginning on Monday the 18 January 2021. Thus, the job centre is amble to provide safe, essential services for those who are unable to interact with them via the phone or digitally. Phone line  opening hours remain as they were. In addition, the Relay UK service and the Video relay service  are both still available. Anyone entering a Jobcentre will be required to wear a face covering, unless they are in an exempt category . We will follow the latest government guidance on meeting with others safely  and lockdown restrictions .


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GMCVO Funding for BAME-led Organisations

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During our Festival of North West Thinking, a recurring theme throughout all of the events was the unequal affect Covid has had in BAME communities. Furthermore, this has meant that BAME-led voluntary and community organisations have also been under more pressure, due to the increasing demand as a result of the pandemic. Emergency funding has been granted to many organisations; however, issues have been raised over how equal that access is due to the institutional racism that exists within our sector and within funding organisations.  

Please watch highlights from our first Festival of North West Thinking first event ‘Covid-19 Recovery: VCSE Leadership Voices Assembly with a Focus on Inequalities’ and in particular the point of views of Natalie Creary, Director of Black Thrive and Farzana Khan Executive Director and Co-founder of Healing Justice (HJL) who talk passionately and eloquently about inequality experienced in BAME communities and how Covid-19 has enhanced this.

 GMCVO Funding:


Speaking to some of the issues raised above, last year, Greater Manchester BAME Network distributed almost £200,000 of funding to small GM BAME-led VCSE organisations affected most by Covid in order to respond to the increasing needs of BAME communities. These grants were administered by GMCVO using funding provided by Comic Relief and the National Emergency Fund.

We are pleased to share that in response to additional funding there is a second round of grants now available. The grants are aimed at finding new activities, services and any adaptation needed due to Covid-19.  

On 18th December, round two of the small grants (£1000-£5000) opened; this will close on Friday 26th February 2021.  

Organisations who have already received a grant are still entitled to apply for further help.  

More information and how to apply.  

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Carers in the NHS workforce

VSNW is jointly hosting an event with Health & Care Partnership for Cheshire & Merseyside exploring Carers in the NHS Workforce. This event, which will be of interest to HR teams, Directors / Deputy Directors of nursing, carer support organisations and those with a responsibility for staff health and well-being and staff side colleagues, will take place on Tuesday 24th September at The Foundary, Widnes.

On the agenda will be several case studies from Carers and employers, whilst VSNW CEO, Warren Escadale, will present the findings of research carried out in Cheshire & Merseyside looking at the Informal Carer Workforce. This piece of work was undertaken in partnership with Leeds Beckett University Centre for Health Promotion Research and Centre for Local Economic Strategies (CLES).

For more information, including the full agenda, and to book your place, please visit here.

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North West Social Prescribing Network Conference 2018

Join us at this free conference for anyone who wants to be involved in shaping the future of social prescribing in the North West.

This event will build this work by bringing together people from health, local government and voluntary, community and social enterprise sectors to continue the conversation, explore the benefits of social prescribing and plan how to spread social prescribing.

Join us at this free conference for anyone who wants to be involved in shaping the future of social prescribing in the North West.

Following a sequence of successful conferences and events across the North West, there is a growing movement across the region to position social prescribing as a cornerstone for creating good health and wellbeing. 

This event will build this work by bringing together people from health, local government and voluntary, community and social enterprise sectors to continue the conversation, explore the benefits of social prescribing and plan how to spread social prescribing.

Date: Thursday 13 December 2018

Time: 10:00am – 4:00pm

Location: Gujarat Hindu Society Centre, South Meadow Lane, Preston, PR1 8JN, United Kingdom

Key note addresses from the following:


  • Dr Simon Abrams: a Liverpool GP who is convinced all GP practices should be focusing on wider determinants of health. He will explore, ‘How do GP surgeries become holistic centres for health and wellbeing.’

  • Dr Tim Greenway, Royal College of GP’s North West Champion: will explore the relationship between personalised care and social prescribing

  • Warren Escadale, CEO of VSNW and the NW SP Network Co-Chair: will consider ambitions for the regional social prescribing network and local strategic approaches to voluntary , community and social enterprise (VCSE) engagement

  • Dr Michelle Howarth: will examine the Shape of Social Prescribing - lessons from Greater Manchester mapping and the next steps



  • Dr Claire Stevens, dental consultant and the President of the British Society of Paediatric Dentistry: will reflect on how the seemingly intractable number of North West dental cavities and tooth extractions for under fives provides a measure of the devastating impact of health inequalities for the most vulnerable members of society - our children. But can social prescribing provide a solution?

  • Jo Ward, the regional social prescribing co-chair: will provide an update on the development of regional social prescribing commitments for Women’s and Children’s services post-NHS Maternity Vanguard; arguing a Best Start is pivotal in any wellbeing strategy as health inequalities won’t be impacted without addressing the social gradient in children’s access to positive early experiences

  • Dave Sweeney, Executive Implementation Lead, Cheshire and Merseyside Health and Care Partnerships (STP): why we need more than medicine to drive wellbeing and recovery. As the commissioner for the Halton Cultural Manifesto for Wellbeing he will explain why cultural resources are a key element of community wellbeing


Throughout the day we will host a compelling programme of workshops in the morning and afternoon ranging from:

  • An insight into the Blackburn Ways to Well-being project which supports people facing severe and multiple disadvantages to improve their well-being, and become community volunteers through the support of peer mentors

  • An exploration of a dynamic partnership between a family focused , forward-thinking GP surgery and an amazing and imaginative community enterprise in Stockport which together helps make a self-fulfilling prophecy for wellbeing

  • A introduction to an international research project which has generated free resources to support community integration and the promotion of health literacy, through focusing on the pivotal role of language skills (ESOL) for both mums and babies, whilst boosting attachment and bonding, all the while having an eye on perinatal mental health

  • A commissioner’s perspective on why funding social prescribing in a voluntary and community context is important


And more practical examples of the value added from a ‘more than medicine’ agenda in terms of the skills and resources to deliver wellbeing.

North West Social Prescribing Network

When registering for the conference, you can also join the North West Social Prescribing Network. You will receive key information and updates on future developments. You can also join the network on VSNW’s NWSPN registration page.

You can also sign up to the network at any point by emailing

Please note you can unsubscribe from the North West Social Prescribing Network at any point.

Sharing details with other delegates

If you are happy for your contact details to be shared with other delegates after the event please ensure you check the box on registration. You can opt out of sharing your contact details at any point by emailing

Reserve your chosen workshops and book tickets at the NHS England Event page.

If you register for this event and are unable to attend please email as soon as possible so the place can be released for someone else.


Name: Phoebe Jones


Telephone: 07730 379982


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VSNW AGM & Conference 2018

Our AGM and Conference which takes place at Blackburne House (pictured below) in Liverpool on November 14th.

We can now reveal the day’s agenda, including the choice of workshops in which you can take part, so that you can plan your day with us.

‘A New Direction for Uncertain Times’

Wednesday 14th November 2018 10.00am – 3.30pm

Venue: Blackburne House, 3 Blackburne Place, Liverpool, L8 7PE

Our AGM and Conference takes place at Blackburne House (pictured below) in Liverpool on November 14th.

We can now reveal the day’s agenda, including the choice of workshops in which you can take part, so that you can plan your day with us.

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10.00am Coffee, Registration and Networking

10.30am Keynote Speaker and Q&A

Claire Dove, CEO of Blackburne House & Crown Representative of the Voluntary, Community and Social Enterprise sector (covering Claire’s role as Crown Representative and her thoughts on the future of the sector) (TBC)

11.00am Choice of three Workshops*

12.15pm Lunch

1.00pm AGM:

  • A review of VSNW’s work during 2018 with Warren Escadale

  • VSNW’s future priorities with Alison Page

  • Formal AGM business

1.45pm Choice of three Workshops*

3.00pm Plenary & Closing Remarks with Warren Escadale, Alison Page and the Workshop Leads

3.30pm Close


*The workshops on offer will include the following:

1. ‘What is the Sector’s role in an Inclusive Economy?’

  • Graham Whitham, GM Poverty Action, to provide a high level introduction;

  • Lynne Stafford, Gaddum, and Ellen Loudon, Canon Chancellor of Liverpool Diocese, share their learning and experiences

2. Better Start - ‘VCSE’s role in Maternity Services’

  • Jo Ward, Change Maker and Co-Chair of the North West Social Prescribing Network and Jan Campbell of Sefton CVS (TBC)

3. ‘The VCSE role in a Social Economy’

  • Garth Hodgkinson, CEO of Community CVS (Blackburn) on developing a local social economy fit for the future

  • Alan Southern of The Heseltine Institute (TBC)

4. ‘The Sector’s role in the Future World of Work’

  • FACT’s Tom Rowlands on creatively exploring lessons for the future, influencing thinking and on understanding the VCSE role

5.Changing World of Health: Keeping on Track’

  • Warren Escadale, CEO VSNW, keeping track of the new NHS “roadmap”

  • Michele Scattergood, CEO Breakthrough UK, discussing her experience of broadening engagement and participation in a Local Care Organisation

6. ‘Home Sweet Home – Developing the Sector’s role in place’

  • Liz Windsor-Welsh, CEO Action Together, Oldham, on the role of the Voluntary Sector in public service reform and Community Hubs

  • Sally Yeoman, CEO Halton and St Helen’s CVS, on Halton and St. Helen’s experiences

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