Case studies, Comment info VSNW Case studies, Comment info VSNW

Health Inequalities in Some of the Most Vulnerable Neighbourhoods

Professor Chris Bentley is a Non-Executive Director at Wirral Community Health and Care NHS Foundation Trust and is also the Chair of the Quality and Safety committee. He is a prominent figure in population health and specialises in health inequalities.  

Chris’ recent presentation ‘Place-based approaches to Health Inequalities in the System’s Most Vulnerable Neighbourhoods’ explores how to address some instances of health inequality in Cheshire and Merseyside.

In it’s simplest definition ‘health inequalities’ refers to the health differences across groups and populations which are beyond an individual’s control. However, according to Chris, it is important not to ‘over define’ health inequalities. The current Coronavirus pandemic has accentuated the already prominent disadvantage across certain groups in relation to health, but also housing, food, employment, income etc.  

There are certain ways we can intervene: 

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These segments need to work together to have the greatest impact. 

Cheshire and Merseyside have some of the most prolific hospital admissions in its most deprived areas in comparison to the national average. This insight includes admissions that could have been prevented through out of hospital care; this pattern is characteristic of the North West as a region.

Can these emergency admissions be prevented from out of hospital care? And why are some areas able to reduce poor outcomes more successfully than others? 

Seemingly, across Cheshire and Merseyside communitiy preventions are not always successful at supporting residents to avoid crises. Chris suggests three ways this can be addressed: 

  1. Unwarranted service variation

  2. Community-based interventions and

  3. Service engagement with communities

What is imperative to addressing the excessive hospital admissions in the most deprived neighbourhoods and helping avoidance of crises is bridging the gap betweeen services and communities. There is already a lot of work going on in communities and the health services have often not integrated with the already established and trusted organisations in these communities. Perhaps on a place-basis what we need to do is link primary care networks into these already existing structures, thus harnessing them to bridge the gap between health care and communities. 

Systems need to address this issue in order to make a percentage change. Some health systems are already making progress and connecting with communities by working with groups and organisations, however, in others there is still lots of work to be done. This is what the Cheshire and Merseyside partnership will be looking to take forward. 

Please watch Chris Bentley’s full presentation. He eloquently explores the above whilst going into more statisitcal detail regarding specific areas of Cheshire and Merseyside.

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Cheshire and Merseyside Health & Social Care VCFSE Leaders Group

A recent meeting of the Cheshire and Merseyside Health & Social Care VCFSE Leaders brought together a range of infrastructure and provider organisations from across the region.

The overall aim of the group is to achieve strategic influence for the Sector and genuine system change. This will be achieved by a mixture of co-ordinated activities such as further strategic meetings; consistent messaging for the Sector on the social value it delivers in communities; and exploring the development of a cohesive engagement strategy with mapped out stakeholders both in localities and the sub-region.

The main topic of discussion was the Cheshire and Merseyside Health and Care Partnership Five Year Strategy, and how the VCFSE sector should influence and respond to this in a co-ordinated fashion. A series of workshops will be taking place in October across Cheshire and Merseyside to generate feedback on what role the VCFSE sector will play in the development and implementation of the strategy. Key contacts and membership organisations across the Sector will be the basis of the feedback body.

At the event, several next steps were proposed, focussing on engagement with relevant organisations and contacts within the VCFSE sector in the Cheshire and Merseyside area to develop robust feedback that will focus on the implementation of the strategy.

These next steps were as follows:

1. VSNW will pull together a ‘plan for a plan’ for VCFSE engagement, leadership and involvement that will be submitted for inclusion in the final strategy.

2. This will be signed off by a developing VCFSE leadership and partnership group that includes leaders from VS6, CVS organisations from across Cheshire and Merseyside, VCFSE ‘Place’ representatives, providers and VCSE equalities networks and organisations.

3. The plan will be circulated via the leadership group and Cheshire and Merseyside CVS.

4. The final 5 Year Strategy will be submitted to NHS England on 15th November 2019.

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Case studies Guest User Case studies Guest User

Halton - a social value borough

Halton & St Helens Voluntary and Community Action have been working with a range of partners to implement social value in Halton. This case study shows the areas of work that they have been involved in and the benefits of these

Halton & St Helens Voluntary and Community Action have been working with a range of partners to implement social value in Halton. This case study shows the areas of work that they have been involved in and the benefits of these.

Social Value Core Group
Halton & St Helens VCA took on responsibility for facilitating the Social Value Core Steering Group in the area during the 2015/16 financial year. This group has provided leadership to the programme in Halton and has met several times in the last twelve months. It's main responsibility is to build on the social value work that already existed in Halton and to drive the work forward, bringing the concept of social value to life.

Ann-Marie Lawrenson, Halton & St Helens VCA Capacity Team Leader stated that "Every partner involved in social value in Halton is passionate about driving this forward. It is going far beyond just implementing the Social Value Act to ensure that it is embedded in everything we do. All partners have a valuable contribution to make to its success."

Social Value Charter
A session attended by more than 70 people provided the initial input to the creation of Halton's Social Value Charter. Following further work by the Core Group and a consultation, a final version was agreed which was also approved by the Council's Executive, the Health & Wellbeing Board, Local Strategic Partnership and the CCG's Governing Body. Halton & St Helens VCA have arranged the design and printing of the charter, following a competition with design and art students at Riverside College. The students designed a logo and the winner received a £100 voucher sponsored by the Core Group.

The charter has now been fully agreed and it will be launched in the near future.

Training Package
A small sum was set aside to allow a VCA member of staff to undertake a CLES Train the Trainer course on understanding social value. An awareness session was subsequently developed for VCSE organisations to improve their understanding of social value and 20 groups have attended so far to understand how it works in practice.

Wellbeing Enterprise are leading, on behalf of the Halton Social Value working group, the development of a bespoke training package which has been designed to be delivered to high level strategic contacts within the borough.

If you would like any more information on this work, please contact Ann-Marie on 01928 593 111 or at

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Collaborative Working: The Third Sector and the University of Liverpool

Knowsley CVS, other Merseyside social sector organisations and the University of Liverpool recently held a forum to discuss how the VCS and the university can collaborate more

Knowsley CVS, other Merseyside social sector organisations and the University of Liverpool recently held a forum to discuss how the VCS and the university can collaborate more.

This collaboration could be;

  • Developing joint research projects
  • Adding skills and capacity to organisations using students whilst providing real work experience.
  • Helping academics with their own thought leadership about major issues facing the sector.

Karl Wilding, Director of Public Policy at NCVO, suggested his own ideas about some of the big issues facing the sector where research and evidence could help and the rest of the session focussed on feedback from the sector advising the university on how it could make itself more accessible to the social sector, not least better communication about what is on offer and how /who to get in touch with.

Also, Knowsley CVS recently took advantage of a Knowledge Exchange programme with the university to carry out research into social value in Knowsley and they are in regular dialogue with all the local universities and Knowsley CC about volunteering opportunities for groups. A link to the social value report is attached below.


Get Real - Social Value at Work in the Heart of Knowsley

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