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VS6 Assemblies Video

Earlier this year VS6 published their Assembly Summary Report “Building Back Better with the VCFSE Sector in Liverpool City Region”. The report summarises the key findings and recommendations from four assemblies held throughout 2020 to understand the impact of COVID-19 on the sector and specific community groups and topics including: 

Following the success of the Assemblies, VS6 have produced this explanation video to promote both the Assembly Reports, and highlight the effectiveness of the assembly format as a way to engage with the sector at such a crucial time, despite social distancing barriers. 

Please take a look and feel free to share it amongst your networks and media: 

The VS6 Assembly Reports and associated recommendations have been essential to the conversations they have had with the LCR Combined Authority and have formed the foundations to their LCR VCFSE Manifesto, to which Metro Mayor Steve Rotheram has committed to

VS6 will continue to engage with the VCFSE sector to understand the needs of the sector and their communities so that they can continue to represent the sector in their work with the LCR Combined Authority and with their partners from the public and private sector across the region. 

Please keep an eye out for their next events by following them on Twitter @vs6news and regularly checking their website for the latest news. 

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The VS6 Liverpool City Region VCFSE Metro Mayoral Hustings Summary

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VS6 Liverpool City Region Metro Mayor Hustings – 20/04/2021 

Last week, VS6 hosted the LIverpool City Region VCFSE Hustings event, where all three Metro Mayor candidates that attended welcomed and committed to the VCFSE LCR manifesto. Candidates agreed that working with the sector is something that they recognise as vital for our communities and the recovery of Liverpool City Region. 

It was a fantastic afternoon with some great questions from our VCFSE colleagues, focusing on some key issues for the communities and organisations across the region. They explored how the Metro Mayor candidates plan to work with, and support the sector over the next three years, including working towards the ambitions of the VCFSE manifesto.  

The event was held via Zoom and was attended by 58 representatives from the VCFSE sector in LCR, with three of the Metro Mayor candidates in attendance including Steve Rotheram (Labour and current Metro Mayor), Gary Cargill (Green), with Katie Burgess representing Jade Marsden (Conservative). 

Specifically, there were 7 questions asked in total of each candidate focusing on digital inclusion, inequalities, food insecurity, fair employment, and how the Metro Mayor will support and invest in the sector. 

Steve Rotheram (Labour) used his answers to reflect on his achievements to date since 2017 as the Metro Mayor of LCR, including the development of the LCR Cares crowdfunder for the VCFSE sector, creating the VCFSE Mayoral Advisor role, the Race Equality programme and the Fair Employment Charter. He also discussed how he would support communities and the sector moving forward through digital upskilling, and leading in digital connectivity, liaising with the Government for a trial of Universal Basic Income, implementing a £150m COVID recovery fund and building capacity in the VCFSE sector. 

Gary Cargill (Green) discussed his plan for improving Liverpool City Region, and how a focus on environmental security and social justice, links to better outcomes for our communities. Key points included recycling digital devices to ensure everyone has the access to technology, setting up Citizen Assemblies for legislation and policy to be scrutinised by communities, implementing a Universal Basic Income, supporting the sector to lobby Government and having an “open-door” policy for the sector to raise concerns. 

Katie Burgess (Conservative) talked about “building back better and beyond” through recouping the regions economic strength to develop a strong, sustainable economy working with the sector. Areas for progress included working with broadband providers to provide affordable internet for those in need, upskilling individuals and families to cook healthy meals within their budget, ensuring recognition for the LCR sector locally and nationally, and engaging with the VCFSE sector and communities to level up the region. 

We would like to thank Steve, Gary and Katie for attending the Hustings and to our VCFSE sector for attending and submitting their questions to the candidates. David Newman of the Liberal Democrats was due to attend however due to personal circumstance was unfortunately unable to do so. 

For a full breakdown of the event and the answers provided by candidates, you can find the VS6 Twitter thread here which provides a summary of the event as it was happening. You can also watch the Hustings in full on YouTube by clicking here. 

As a reminder, the LCR Metro Mayor elections are being held on May 6th 2021 for you to have your say on who you want to be leading the recovery of the Liverpool City Region working in collaboration with the VCFSE sector. 

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The Liverpool City Region VCFSE Sector Metro Mayor Hustings

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VS6 Partnerships are hosting the VCFSE Sector Metro Mayor Husting on the 20th April 2021.

The Hustings is a chance for VCFSE organisations across the Liverpool City Region to ask questions to the candidates, and discuss what is important, not only to your organisation, but also the sector as a whole. This election is of particular importance as the need for a strong leader is of paramount importance as we face a difficult and uncertain future following the pandemic. The sector has shown great strength and resilience throughout the last year. However, going forward we need political support if we are to continue to protect the vulnerable and help our communities.

The Hustings will follow a question-and-answer style structure, with candidates also given the chance to address the sector during their opening statement. In order to organise a broad spectrum of question topics, we ask attendees to please submit potential questions and whether they would be happy to ask them during the event when registering. A selection of questions on the most common question themes will be selected and put to the candidates. We will contact you directly pre-event if your question has been chosen. 

Sally Yeoman, Chief Executive of Halton and St Helens VCA, Vice-Chair of VS6 (and also a NAVCA award-winning Chief Exec of the year 2020) will be chairing the event.

Joined by the following party candidates: 

  • Steve Rotheram (Labour) 

  • David Newman (Liberal Democrat) 

  • Gary Cargill (Green) 

  • Jade Marsden (Conservative) - TBC 

Sign up here

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VS6 VCFSE Manifesto & Consultation

VS6 Partnerships are pleased to announce that the draft manifesto for the VCFSE sector in Liverpool City Region is now available to read ahead of the Consultation events taking place on Monday 8th March and Monday 22ndMarch.

This draft manifesto has been developed following VS6’s sector engagement over the past few years, drawing on key areas and recommendations for action from publications developed following various VS6 events held with the sector. 

There are 12 manifesto asks in total which are split into the following main headings:

  1. A Healthy VCFSE Ecosystem

  2. Driving an Inclusive Economy

  3. Championing our Communities

At the VCFSE Manifesto Assembly events, attendees will be asked for their input to further develop the manifesto to ensure that it reflects the kind of city region they want to see for the VCFSE organisations, beneficiaries, and communities. The first of the two events will cover the first two areas of the manifesto, and the second event will cover the final area with attendees split into breakout rooms to discuss and provide feedback in order to strengthen the manifesto. 

Following these events, VS6 will formulate a final draft of the manifesto with a further chance to endorse and sign up to the final version before asking the LCR Metro Mayor candidates to commit to its implementation at a Mayoral Hustings event later in April.

Sign up here to attend the manifesto consultations.

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The VS6 Update on European Funding for the Liverpool City Region

VS6 met on October 10th for an update on European funding for the VCSE sector in Liverpool city region. Here’s a summary of what was revealed on the day.

VS6 met on October 10th for an update on European funding for the VCSE sector in Liverpool city region. Here’s a summary of what was revealed on the day.


Five more years of ESF and ERDF, even if there is no deal

The UK Government has guaranteed that funding for the current programme (2014-20) will continue to the end (i.e. until 2023), even if we leave Europe with no deal.

Half Way

Now that we are half way through the European Programmes, funding for the second part is being announced and agreed, and there are revisions to the Regulations and to the Operational Programmes.

YEI additional funding agreed

Finally, extensions for ESF-YEI programmes have been agreed (supporting NEET young people under the age of 30). In some cases, these are extensions in time, in others, extensions in time and money.

This brings the total ESF directly allocated to the VCFSE in Liverpool CR to almost 40% (£25 million of £65m), not counting indirect funding, through local authorities etc.

BBO lottery extensions

On 25th September, Big Lottery agreed to allocate more funds for the ESF-BLF projects, supporting extensions in time or in time and money. This will still need the support of the LEP level ESIF committees, and a letter was sent out to the Chairs on 26th, with the projects being emailed directly.

ESFA further funding

ESFA has found additional match funding to the end of the Programme, and issued calls in August for those on its tender list. This was for a total of £323 million across England (including £43m for social capital community grants). For Liverpool CR nothing was allocated for P1.1 or P2.1 (education and skills), but there was £2.250 for NEET young people, and £2.7 for Community Grants. Successful bidders are likely to be known at the beginning or 2019, with projects starting in April. The LCR allocations were less than for the other areas in the North West. Liverpool CR was intending to announce more calls, but withdrew them for further consideration once the ESFA said it would provide more cash.

ERDF calls

These went out for most of England on 5th October. But not for Liverpool CR - it is expecting calls later on through its Intermediate Body status.

More money

It has finally been agreed that LEP level allocations can be raised to take account of the devaluation a couple of years ago following the referendum. (ESF and ERDF programmes are agreed in Euros). This will give an extra eleven per cent of further funding, so over £600 million will be available across England. Liverpool CR was sent a provisional revised allocation for ESF on 14th September (now a total of £103m ESF) - the money needs to be committed (not spent) within the next year.

UK-Shared Prosperity Fund

This will replace the £9.7billion for ESF and ERDF we receive from Europe, with UK money if we leave. The Government’s Manifesto said that it would be to reduce inequalities. However, a recent Statement has contradicted this, saying that it will be to increase productivity (and this will trickle down to reduce inequalities). A paper has been published about how to make the LEPs fit for purpose, with them having a single goal of increasing productivity. It refers to the Peterborough/ Cambridge issue, and how to make the LEPs accountable - for example charging for membership (which Liverpool LEP does) will be abolished, to increase involvement for all.

There have been pre-consultation meetings for the UK-SPF taking place. A Green Paper for consultation is promised before the end of 2018.

European Week of Regions and Cities

This annual event is taking place now, with around six thousand people looking at what has been achieved with European Funding, best practice, and planning for the future. There has been considerable discussion around solidarity, bottom up development, more citizens involvement, and tackling the growth of extremism. Partnership and Simplification continue to be key issues.

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Community Based Wellbeing takes centre stage at Liverpool City Region Health Summit

Warren Escadale made a presentation at the summit, in which he championed the role of the sector moving forward, and covered various aspects of community wellbeing, with the support of the VS6 partnership. The city region’s lead on Health, Cllr Andy Moorhead (leader of Knowsley Council) made a formal commitment to drawing together a partnership in order to drive improvements in health and social care, which the VCSE sector will be a part of.

Warren's presentation is shown below.  


Warren Escadale: Community Wellbeing from sampopperVSNW

The rest of the presentations from the night can be viewed by following the links below:  

Clare Duggan: Challenges and Opportunities for Health

Matthew Ashton: Improving Health and Wellbeing in our Region

Rhiannon Corcoran: Mental Health and Wellbeing


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The future of Liverpool City Region and the role of the local sector

The VS6 Partnership has written to congratulate the Chair of the Combined Authority on gaining a devolution deal for the Liverpool City Region

The VS6 Partnership has written to congratulate the Chair of the Combined Authority on gaining a devolution deal for the Liverpool City Region. VS6 is a network which provides a focal point for Voluntary, Community, Faith and Social Enterprise (VCFSE) support providers to debate, influence and shape policy at the Liverpool City Region level. They work on behalf of the 8,000 VCFSE groups that work for local communities across the six local authority areas of the City Region.  

The Partnership has been working closely with VSNW and, for the benefit of local communities, has made a number of offers to support greater voluntary, community and social enterprise sector involvement in shaping the devolution agenda and public service reform workstreams moving forward.

VS6 letter to Cllr Phil Davies Chair, Liverpool City Region Combined Authority



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