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Social Sector Leaders Joint Statement on the Right to Campaign

The Sewell Report was released on the 31st March, a government commissioned report by the Commission on Race and Ethnic Disparities in the UK; the findings of which were deemed highly controversial. The Runnymede Trust’s (who operate as the UK’s leading independent race equality think tank) response to the report which condemned the findings, caused a number of members of the House of Commons to complain to the Charity Commission. This government-led retaliation was not the first time they have complained to the Charity Commission over contrary statements to government commissioned reports.

ACEVO recognise that whilst the charity sector does and should not run along party political lines, their work which is often concentrated on people and communities is in that sense, political. They have issued a joint statement from social sector leaders and are asking for those leaders who wish, to sign up in solidarity to the sector’s right to campaign against injustices and inequalities in our society.

You can find the full list of signatories and details on how to sign up your organisation here.