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VSNW's Conference and AGM 2016: Community Powered Change. Book now

This year's VSNW conference, Community Powered Change, will look at how, in the context of inclusive growth and devolution, communities can be the drivers of transformation. Keynote speakers and panellists include: Professor Ruth Lupton, Head of the Inclusive Growth Analysis Unit, Kathy Evans, Chief Executive of Children England; Cllr Sean Anstee, potential Conservative candidate for Greater Manchester Mayor, Neil McInroy, Chief Executive of CLES, and Cllr Jean Stretton, Inclusive Growth lead for GMCA.

We will be partnering with CLES, Network for Europe, and colleagues from across academia, the public sector, and of course VCSE sector, to deliver workshops along three themes:

  • Inclusive Growth: devolution, post-Brexit era social inclusion funding, regeneration in the North West, and measuring social success 
  • Transforming the Voluntary Sector: Voluntary sector partnerships, the sector’s role in devolution, and investment strategies for the sector
  • Health and Social Care: Social Movements for Health, Realising the Value, and Sustainability and Transformation Plans

The conference will take place on the 5th December, from 09.30 - 16.30 at the People's History Museum in Manchester. 

Places are limited, so please book using Eventbrite via the following link: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/community-powered-change-vsnws-annual-conference-2016-tickets-28721125660


9.30am Refreshments and Registration


10.00am   Introduction

Chair – Warren Escadale, Chief Executive, VSNW

Keynote speaker: Professor Ruth Lupton, Head of the Inclusive Growth Analysis Unit 

Keynote speaker: Jim McMahon MP, Shadow Minister for Communities & Local Government and Devolution (invited)

Q&A with the speakers, Chaired by Debbie Dalby, VSNW Chair


11.00am Morning Workshops

Inclusive Growth for Communities

Economic regeneration in the North West: Matthew Jackson, Centre for Local Economic Strategies

Transforming the voluntary sector

Developing an investment strategy for the voluntary sector: Anne Lythgoe, Salford City Council

Health & Social Care 

The sector’s role in Sustainability and Transformation Plans: TBC


12.00pm Lunch, AGM, and Voluntary Action in Action Photo Competition


13.15pm Afternoon Workshops 1

Inclusive Growth for Communities

Measuring social success: Dr Anthony Rafferty, Inclusive Growth Analysis Unit

Transforming the voluntary sector

Building effective voluntary sector partnerships: Representatives from the Cumbria Third Sector Network, GM VCSE Reference Group and Liverpool City Region VS6. Chaired by Warren Escadale 

Health & Social Care 

Person and Community Centred Care for Wellbeing - Realising the Value: Chris Dabbs, Unlimited Potential and Simon Kweeday, Big Life Group


14.15pm Afternoon Workshops 2

Inclusive Growth for Communities

Funding social inclusion in a Brexit era: Andy Churchill & John Hacking, Network for Europe and  Gill Bainbridge, Merseyside Youth Association

Transforming the voluntary sector

The VCSE role in devolution: lessons from Sheffield, Cardiff, Greater Manchester, and Swansea: Dr David Beel, University of Sheffield 

Health & Social Care 

Social Movements for Health: Ben Gilchrist, VSNW & Action Together & other speaker TBC  


15.15pm Afternoon refreshments


15.30pm How will devolution transform communities? Panel discussion

Kathy Evans, Chief Executive of Children England

Cllr Sean Anstee, Conservative candidate for Greater Manchester Mayor

Neil McInroy, Chief Executive of Centre for Local Economic Strategies

Cllr Jean Stretton, GMCA lead for Inclusive Growth

Chair: Warren Escadale, Chief Executive of VSNW


16.20pm Round up and finish



Places are limited, and if more than one delegate wishes to attend from the same organisation they must book individually. Please book by Wednesday 30th November via the following link: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/community-powered-change-vsnws-annual-conference-2016-tickets-28721125660

If you are a VCSE organisation in the North West, the event is free to attend.

If you work for a non-VCSE organization or are an individual, the cost is £50 plus VAT per delegate. 

For any queries regarding the conference, please contact Sam Popper on 0161 276 9300 or at sam.popper@vsnw.org.uk.